Monday, March 16: Please watch the video of me reading “There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover.”
One fun activity you can do with your child is to help him/her create a leprechaun trap. Allow your child to be creative and have fun! If you want to share your child’s trap, please send me a text or email me. You can also have your child point to GREEN items in your house and have them draw and label the items.
Another activity idea is to allow your child to paint a picture with green paint. Make sure your child tells you what he/she painted and write what he/she tells you on the picture.
Wednesday, March 18: Please watch the video of the letter V. We sent home your child's purple Alphabet folder. Turn to the page with the letter V. Hopefully, your child will be able to work on the page. I also sent home the letter V practice sheet. Please work on that as well. Other things you can do with your child include cut out pictures in magazines with the V sound and play with Play-Doh and roll out the letter V. You and your child can also have some fun finding the letter V in any print around your house.
Friday, March 18: Please watch the videos of me reading “Seed to Plant”, "How a Seed Grows”, and the Scholastic Chart on Spring. It would be fun for you and your child to take a nature walk and find signs of spring. Maybe they can bring a journal or paper with them to write or draw what they observe. If you are able to purchase seeds, it would be fun to plant them. We usually plant sunflowers in class. I hope we are able to do that when we get back. You can have your child draw a plant or flower and ask them to label it. Again, painting or using watercolors to create flowers allows your child to use his/her imagination. You could also have your child cut tissue paper or colored paper to create a plant or flower.
You can also have your child finish the following sentence: "My favorite part of Spring is ______________”, and draw a picture that matches what he/she says.
Monday March 30th:
Weather Activity:
Get a normal drinking straw. Gather a variety of items around the home that may be able to be moved by blowing them with the straw. Have your child predict if the item can or can not be moved by blowing through the straw. Then test his/her predictions and record the actual results. Weather Activity Printable
Cloud Activity:
Create a cloud by using paint and a straw. Label the type of cloud you created ( cumulus, stratus, or cirrus) Here is an example:
Rainbow Activities:
Discuss with your child what weather you need to have to see a rainbow. Complete the sentence on the printable with your child and let them color in the image.
Create a rainbow craft using cotton balls, paper plate and streamers or construction paper. Talk about what you need to see a rainbow in the sky. Here is an example:
Wednesday April 1:
Please watch the video of the letter W. We sent home your child's purple Alphabet folder. Turn to the page with the letter W. Hopefully, your child will be able to work on the page. I also sent home the letter W practice sheet. Please work on that as well. Other things you can do with your child include cut out pictures in magazines with the W sound and play with Play-Doh and roll out the letter W. You and your child can also have some fun finding the letter W in any print around your house.
Friday April 3:
Activity One-Create flowers using paint and a fork. Be creative! The samples are just ideas. I’d love to see what flower you create. Please send me your child’s flower(s) if you are able to.
Activity Two - Read the Flower Graph together with your child. Count the flowers and color one box for each color. Remember to start at the bottom of the graph. When you are finished with the graph, ask your child the following questions: What flower color had the highest number on the graph? What flower color had the lowest? Did you have a favorite color flower? You could even create another graph with real flowers you find outside.
Activity Three- Cut out some flowers. Write a number in the middle of your flower and then add that number of petals to your flower. Practice writing your numbers 1-20.
Monday 4/6: Spring Scavenger Hunt:
Since we have been looking for signs of Spring and have been listening to stories about Springtime and weather, I thought it would be fun to have you and your child go on a Spring Scavenger Hunt. Please see the following activity sheets.
Wednesday 4/8: Easter Fun:
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter on Sunday. Please enjoy the following Easter activities. If your child would like to paint an Easter picture for me, please send it to me at anytime.
MONDAY: "Tadpole to Frog"I uploaded 2 videos to YouTube.
Please help your children with the printables below.
Click here to download a printable Frog Coloring Sheet
Click here to download a printable Frog Life Cycle Sheet
WEDNESDAY: “The Letter X”
Parents, please guide your children in making an X-ray of their hands using Q-Tips as per the example below.
Other activities parent’s can do with their child are as follows:
Please remember to work in your child’s purple alphabet folder. Use PlayDoh to create the letter X or use paint or a tray of salt or candy sprinkles to create the letter X.
Click here to download a printable letter X worksheet.
FRIDAY: “Insects”
Follow the directions to complete the attached worksheet about the parts of a flying insect.
Click Here to download a count and color insect printable.
Click Here to download a Bug Jar printable.
MONDAY: “Caterpillar to Butterfly”
Please watch both videos and help your child complete the attached worksheet for the life cycle of a caterpillar to a butterfly. The student can create their own colorful butterfly using simple paper and art materials, like pipe cleaners and watercolor paints or markers.
WEDNESDAY: “The Letter Y”
Please click here for the letter Y worksheet for parents to complete with their child. Please remember to work in the purple alphabet book.
FRIDAY: “Earth Day"
Parents, in celebration of Earth Day, please do something together to care for the earth, such as identifying items around the house that can be recycled, creating something using old and recyclable items, or picking up trash during a walk around your neighborhood. Your chid can also draw picture showing a way to celebrate Earth day and write about it. Follow the directions to complete the attached Earth Day worksheet and complete the attached Earth Day booklet.